Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Relaunching This Week Eleanor Loves...!

Originally, This Week Eleanor Loves feature was done every week in the book shop.
When the shop closed its doors to the public, I tried to carry on doing the feature each week, but for various reasons it didn't happen.

So, now Eleanor is a strapping 6 year old!
She's in Beavers; she goes to a fantastic school that loves books, and she's now on the Accelerated Reader programme (AR).
AR is a cool literacy programme that lots of schools do - the child reads a book at their comprehension and reading level, then they take a quiz on it to make sure they've understood it. They get points, leading to wristbands and certificates. The best thing about AR is that every child can get the rewards, because it's based on their own level of understanding.
Not all schools follow it, and that's fine, but the reason I'm talking about it is because I might base the future This Week Eleanor Loves on the books she's reading for that.
So, I'll put the interest age, reading "age", and AR level in each post (if it's available for that book), which I hope will help you choose the book that your child can read for themselves.
Nothing is stopping you choosing books that you can read to your child whilst they listen and watch! There'll still be plenty of those in this feature, as we read to Eleanor every night before bed, and of course, at random stages during the day whenever she wants to read something or wants us to read to her.

I'm also going to intersperse the feature with recommendations for all ages, so you don't have to wait until Eleanor's been the right age for your child!
I hope to include information about book awards and special events and features.

Please note, that although I will try to put things into my own words, especially when it's books that we are reading at home or school, I will not always use my own words. If I don't use my own words, it will be publishers' blurbs and their public information. I'll try to put these in a different colour or a different font when I do this. (If I can find a "quote" feature on this blog, I'll use that)

To start with, I'm going to upload previous This Week Eleanor Loves posts, but in a format that will show you the age range and interest, rather than a week-by-week account from the website.

I hope you enjoy the relaunch!

Watch this Space!

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